What will I do with my plants, projects and the apartment when I'm gone?

 Here's my plans for my projects and plants for when I'm gone.

AS(y) will be staying in my place in my absence, so he will water the plants. The chhyang needs to be put into the fridge after 35 days, which isn't a lot of work. In terms of kombucha and the kefirs, I'll be pausing my projects, but take the grains with me to Kathmandu. The solid state fermentations will be put on pause.

I am concerned about fertilizing my plants because they're supposed to be done at the start of the season, but May is probably not too late for me to do that. In case A is gone, Sb will be around for some time, so he can take over. And when he's gone, I'll reach out to a couple of other folks for the watering of the plants specifically. Hopefully they won't suffer like the last batch did.

So the apartment: yes I'll be subletting to AS, because his apartment lease will run out. I'll give him a significant discount over what I'm paying, but he's being super unclear about his plans, and considering the possibility of quitting Seattle. In which case, yeah it'll suck for me, but at least I won't have to pay for the rent in Kathmandu. Plus any money I can get while I'm gone is a plus in my book.

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