Goodbye 2022, an amazing wild year full of discovery travel and vision for the future

 Frigging finally this year is over and the writing for this year is over. I'm writing this exactly the week of the year ended, and it's such a relief of a burden being removed to get the year cleared. Because there was a lot of guilt associated with not writing, disappointing myself and being a general bum with regards to the whole writing process generally. I think four posts a day is not a big commitment, specially considering the not-great quality of the posts that have been spewed out in the last three years and that's yet another reason to not have to stress too much about what gets written as long as something gets out. That's been hard, and there's not too many excuses, so clearing that stuff is amazing.

This year has been the most productive in terms of the number of posts on this blog at almost 30 more than the previous record of the last year. That's one thing I'm hugely proud of, ignoring completely there was possibly some hit to the quality and the backwriting possibly has gotten worse. The sheer fact of trudging along, despite all the obstacles that have popped up, dealing with the guilt and anxiety of keeping up, the commitment of staying on the one thing through and though make me proud. Thanks to everybody who's kept along because I felt like quitting all the time and many of you reading this have already quit and there is nobody to blame but me. The show must go on though. No. Matter. What.

And that's an overview of what's happened to me specific to the blog.

In terms of other life updates, this year was incredibly relaxing and productive. I got more comfortable being with myself and the possibility that one might have to live the introverted life. The places I traveled to this year, national parks and so forth have by far exceeded those of all previous years combined, which is an incredible achievement too. It was also this year that I came to fully appreciate an internalize my existence on this planet, being comfortable with 'being a loser', figuring out what other people want out of life, and how I relate to myself. The 'journey of self discovery' targeted for 2024 is still on, but this year has been quite  journey for that too, and I've gotten quite far in understanding myself.

That also goes for personal relationships. It's clear to me what I'm looking for, the sort of situations I'm willing to work with in a partner and things that wouldn't work for me, and what things matter the most to me in a partner. The idea was to come to this understanding after the democrats lost the 2024 elections, the presidential and everything else, but it came way before they lost the 2022 house.

The daily walks put me in such a zen mode, the endorphin rush is incredible. I've told many a person in recent weeks that my existence lately has been that of a rishi-muni, the ancient sages who lived in the forests and wrote great tomes. The writing part is the only thing I'm lacking.

Final discovery for this year: I don't mind the Seattle weather at all. Dare I say I even love it because the rainy-chilly-cloudy weather that doesn't get too extreme is perfect for walking outside and hiking. Summers are hot and oppressive but at least you can do stuff with friends outside. Winters are cold dark and gloomy but they're also perfect for you to explore the wonderful winterland.

And that was the year for me. I'm grateful for the situation I find myself in, and wish for this situation to continue for ages.

Thanks for coming with me on this journey!

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