The apartment gets steamed

After a time
So very long
That even the
Songbirds have forgotten
The seasons to sing
It was the occasion
For my apartment
TO get nice steaming
From the steaming machine!

A good three-round
Of vacuuming
Did my living room and bathroom get
And after not a bit of dust
lay on the carpet and on the floor
Did only then did
The steam mop
Come out.

Setting on the high
Oh so hot hot hot
Did I get every nook
And corner of the room
Cleaned up
The carpet, the floor
And the bathroom too
All the bad bacteria and
Viruses living at my place
Are sure as dead
As a dodo!

I feel fresh and clean
I can tell you that
Maybe the little guys
Do affect our moods
And make us change
but let's not
bother with that
For the moment,
Just the appreciation
how long it took
To get done
The steam cleaning.

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