Work does give my life structure, and without it organizing anything around anything would be rough

This has been written about a billion times before on this blog. There's feeling of hectic pressure and general bummed-outness when I haven't had a vacation for a while when I think work is stupid and I'd rather do anything but work and it's such a drag, this enforced timetable etcetera. And then I start working and realize actually it's one of the more stable things in my life, something I can count on being there generally all the time, my place to seek solidity and safety and hold me connected to real life. Like I'm always traveling, seeing new people, doing new things, coming up with new ideas, making different plans, changing interests etcetera, but the work remains. And the more productive I'm at work, the more productive I'm in my personal life. It's not that work gives me meaning, but that it helps me start the momentum of personal achievement that allows me to keep running in achievements in my personal life as well. And without that push, the initial momentum, getting motivated to do anything at all is quite hard. That is all.

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