This is the longest I've gone without buying the staples groceries

 I wrote about this sometime in the current post dump that I'm doing, which in search terms could mean anytime during this month. In that context I was talking about how much rice and dal I've been eating recently.

The thing is I have a lot of staples in my kitchen. Rice, quinoa, oats, frozen veggies, dal etcetera. I could go for weeks and weeks without buying anything. And I didn't ever thing about finishing those staples because I was always out getting more supplies, fresher and yummier. After coming back from our road trip though there's been some laziness to get fresh groceries, which means I've been eating up the old supplies, using the frozen veggies as fresh food.

So yeah, this is the longest I've gone without buying fresh groceries, and also the most serious I've been about finishing existing supplies. The outcomes have right now I've got stomach issues...because...who knows why, but generally it's been awesome finishing up everything in the kitchen!

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