Seattle questions

 It feels sometimes that I'm having the time of my life, it was only a month ago that I was going out three/four times a week, hanging out with multiple groups making new friends and rooting down in Seattle. Now, I am trying to consolidate existing friend groups, even goddamn considering getting on facebook because sometimes it feels as if these things aren't friendship-driven but shaped by convenience of posting on a social board on that awful app, and hanging out with the folks that are open at any specific point in time. Which is fine, whatever, but one would have hoped to have created more meaningful connections by this point. And it appears that we've got to the other end, and even getting on the 'facebook group friends' is an achievement.

In other Seattle news, folks are getting antsy and it's unclear where the future lies, because the pressure to couple up has been intense on the few local singles here, and they're showing signs of being tiredness and confusion. Are people communicating what they need out of their interpersonal relationships, or is there so much lack of clarity and confusion due to the board-based nature of social interactions that nobody cares about anything anymore.

The questions that will be answered in the coming weeks and months.

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