Lake Union Park, Due Cucina and Italian food [Fri 3]

 After work we went to Lake Union Park by South Lake Union, walked there and spent approximately two hours watching rich people try to impress other people with their boats, a group of young people spending an hour inflating their paddleboard and not paddle around that much, a homeless person fishing and just people watching. Parents loved the situation.

Walked back home, chilled for a bit, and headed to Due Cucina for dinner. After various hilarious IT related mistakes on their part, we got our order in, and waited approximately for 30 minutes to get our order. Nobody enjoyed their meal except maybe me, and I'd gotten eggplant parmesan, not the sandwich just the veggie version with sourbread on the side. It was actually so good. Ended up paying 80 bucks for the self-service food, which was one of the worst values for money at this already overpriced town. I'm not a big fan of mediocre Italian food, I've discovered.

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