Birthday party in the park, cancellations, things work out [Sun 1]

I write this exactly seventeen days after, because well most of it I was on the vacay yay yay and then I was caught playing catch-up which I don't mind doing after going outside but ideally ugh I shouldn't. But don't mind because this this life it happens lets move on with it without moaning or complaining because where's the fun in that yeh? Right. Let's get a-knockin'.

The morning we got all set up with the table covers, foods, knicknacks, tents etceterea. Spent like half hour unpacking and packing the party tent, it was surprisingly easy. Around an hour before midday we headed for Bullrun for the party, so we'd get there two hours before everybody else. Our mood was kinda soured by people cancelling the very last moment, including for lame reasons like "we went shopping to Baltimore and we will not make it" and as such. In the end the expected guest list of 40+ adults was whittled down to twenty plus, which worked out for the best as we were to find out.

We spent two hours blowing up the balloons chasing after them, being scolded by some park ranger's assistant for some annoying reason, covering up the tables and putting up the decorations real nice. And babysitting of course because the baby knew the day was about her, making sure to demand the utmost attention.

Everything was setup including the food tent, and folks went to get the food from the Indian restaurant. ED strategically didn't bring the ten boxes of pizza we had planned on bringing in because the guest attendance was suspect.

And then it started drizzling. first. Very soon it was downpouring.

The guests started coming in, and we were all snuggled comfortably inside the shelter, it wasn't uncomfortably crowded but if we'd had even five more guests that'd have been awful. Most of the guests were their friends from school, their partners and parents and children, and a few neighbors. One neighbor brother who had had a baby 17 weeks ago showed up with a very attractive woman who didn't look like she'd recently given birth and nobody dared ask any questions and I certainly would find it very inappropriate to make a pass at them. It ended up that she was his sister in law who was travelling and wanted to go to an American birthday party.

After everybody left, which was after quite a while as people stayed in for long, we drove to the bathrooms, walked a bunch, and packed up. Threw out pretty much everything. Then we drove back home, and had the leftovers for dinner.

We'd be eating leftovers for a long while.

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