Grilled cheese french toast, giggles and walk at Greenlake park, pickup As and drive around West Seattle, Seahurst park lovelies, sound sleep hot weather [Sat 14]

 For breakfast I made grilled cheese and then dipped it in egg and turned it into frech toast, fun stuff.

Went to Greenlake park with Ar(e) and As(y), got high, took a solid lap and got so very tired, because of the heat etc. Picked up As from his place and made him drive us to West seattle, checked out the beach and the houses and had so much fun. Ended up at Seahurst park, realizing for the first time the magnifique of the grand park. But by then we'd been in the car for a while and the sun was searing my skin I felt so tired.

Got home and napped and that napped turned into sleep, didn't get out that much. The sun takes its toll if you're out in the direct sunlight man, it is the greatest disinfectant, unfortunately it tends to disinfect one's skin as well.

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