Jam-bread, homemade cookies, boiled eggs lunch, catchup with old friends at Rapport, reunion, walk and talk, mushroom pizza dinner, I start writing again, finally [Tue 17]

For breakfast I had jam and bread, it was yum and simple but I didn't have much else going on.

Made cookies with extra added salt, cocoa powder, and kefir instead of the water, it was good stuff, so I had two of them, and took the rest to share with the people I was meeting later in the day. Also had two boiled eggs for lunch in addition to the jam sandwich and cookies. Not the greatest lunch I know but better than an everyday office worker's for sure, I'll take this everyday.

After work I met up old friends at Rapport which is an unreasonably priced American pizza place with a bunch of random stuff thrown in. Met GF and his husband M, KB, JGC and his (now wife) R. Good conversations were had, we got caught up on the previous team that connected us all, the company from before that, people's impression of Seattle and where we're all going to go in life. I had mushroom pizza in there.

We walked altogether to the CapHill station, kept talking until the trains came in, and I bid them all farewell. KB was the last to leave, we had a pretty nice emotional farewell.

Back home I started writing after such an effing long time, with the goal to 'get caught up' to my pre-vacation stats at a pretty decent date. It's been five days since and i haven't met my goal at all but I'll eventually get this month caught up I think. I dunno how I'll deal vacations, weekends I don't mind because they're way chiller lately and I can work on writing everyday. With Vacations you have to be up your stuff all the time and it's rough.

Things to consider, ugh.

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