A Newari Food Day [Tuesday 14]

Got up in the morning not feeling completely well, coughing and gruffing. Skipped most of the morning tasks because wasn't feeling well and getting late for work. Still walked to Davis while listening to Conan's podcast.

It was a full-day-long meeting kind of day, honestly didn't bother me that much. Even though breakfast is not at all the most important meal of the day, if I get my breakfast in order, I feel a lot better generally. Oats get boring after a while, and are kind of really feeling that on days I eat oats, lunches are skipped. In any case, was really hungry and impatient by 11.30. Got a nice sandwich lunch at 12, after which two more hour of meetings, mostly distracted by using my cellphone. Fortunately they kept the sandwiches around, so when I was hungry around 3-ish, had half a sandwich as a snack, what a great thing to have done. Not sure where how heavy I'm because haven't weighted myself in a long while but dear god would it be awful if the weight had gone back home. Feeling confident about the tummy situation too, if the workouts get more consistent, am confident that will get more advanced routine figured out.

Left work at 3.40, talked to TD who was at the Whole Foods in the South End, took a bus that randomly appeared to get there, spent a few minutes catching up on NYC happenings, we walked to Tufts Medical Center, Orange Line to Sullivan, and 101 home. We got really lucky so got home on time. At home, we optimized out time: I put clothes in laundry and did some writing while TD cleaned up and did her packing. After almost an exact hour, we set for Alston -- 89->Red Line->66, with a long wait at Harvard and an exploration of alternative entries to the Harvard station that never work out. Got to SS's place at 7.

We figured out real quick we didn't have enough Rice four, roommate S kindly got that for us, while SS and SR got preparing the mixes. TD worked on cutting and preparing various items while I attempted to chop an onion only to give my forefinger a deep cut. Goddamn dull knives, it's a bad year for my fingers, it was the second time I hurt my fingers in the last 12 months which is something that's never happened before. In any case RL their roommate and SR worked at Chatamari standing up for three hours in the heat, S coordinated everything SS made yomari and a bunch of their friends helped out rolling the yomari. The chataamari was amazing, and the yomari was an easy-to-make dessert that honestly people should be making more often. I forgot to take the sesame seeds but whatever.

After eating until our stomachs were complaining in pain, cleaning up, watching the Bachelor with the girls and just chilling, we took an Uber home at 10.45 ish, got home at 11.40 ish. After getting back, watched an episode of Kim's Convenience before going to sleep. This was TD's last night in Boston and in the US.

I had a great time, and it feels great being friends with the Alston gang, hopefully they enjoy my company as well as I do theirs, but ehh, life will go on even if that's not the case.

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