Yomari preparations day [Monday 13]

It's 10.25, and I just finished the daily pushups. Before that I was drafting a long message that need to be sent. Before that I was periodically talking to the gang outside (roommate BB PK and AL, and semi-roommate I who has been in our place after a long gap). Before that I was writing letters, reading the Genghis Khan book and getting caught up with the guys. Right after I got back from work, I got some rice and leftovers from last night heated up. It was glorious. I'm going to get so many meals out of that one dinner.

Left work at 4..45, took the green line to park, red line to kendall, ct2 bus to union square where I got yomari supplies (rice four, jakary, seasame seeds) and other supplies (cheese, potato, butternut squash) from market basket. How is market basket always so busy? It also looks quite boring compared to Aldi, not even in the same leagues as Wegmans. Yeah pricewise maybe it's slightly better, but Wegmans's house brand is cheaper than Market Basket anyway.

Skipped lunch because the Monday morning breakfast with porridge banana strawberry was great and I had an apple and nuts for lunch plus the work was so busy. Work was so goddamn busy I didn't get any time to do other writing.

Got up at 6.30 in the morning, made sure TD left on time for her trip to NYC, skipped the morning shower and workouts, took the orange line to work because I was too hungry since I ate so much last night so I was tired sleepy and hungry plus it was sleeting and raining outside.

The day was alright, I'm excited about tomorrow's plans that's being made with SS and SR. So many things to do!

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