On house parties

House parties are good. They're the only kind of parties I really enjoy. Yeah yeah wedding parties too but they're a different beats, and they're not really parties as much as 'ceremonies', or 'occasions'...things you kind of have to go do if you want to be taken by your friends and family, and yes you can dance your legs away and drink your brains out and jump around like a frog 'dancing' whatever and yes they are called parties for a reason etcetera but they're not really...They're more social obligations on the organizers' and the attendees' sides, you have to go or else they wont show up and you don't want to have ordered plates for a thousand people only to have only four hundred show up because you didn't go to their weddings do you. Which is why they're by design not meant as places to have fun but rather as events that have to happen. Or else.

House parties are nice, you go to people's places, get something you think everyone will enjoy eating and drinking catch up with friends get to know new people get caught up on what's happening with them what their plans are let them know your plans while everyone's getting drunk joke around sing play games card games or whatever dance, some people really really like to dance, joke tease dance with them, fall down because you're too tired, joke around again give people shit for the things they did, tell each other fun stories that you've head a million time already but you really enjoy how they're told so you don't mind, make the same old jokes again but ohh there's a new twist there interesting how that came about wow what a well-catered dinner I didn't expect this coming in is this a special occasion or what wow they're so so good you have to give us the recipes yeah yeah watch wedding videos albums omigod there's another round of food too that's blowing my mind more booze everyone's having so much fun and now people are playing the guitar and singing while couple of people table-drum, the singer's forgotten the lyrics oh wait he remembers it not anymore ohh now he definitely remembers it the songs already over he's too drunk to sing anymore, meaningful stares with people you care about you think they're meaningful anyway they're too drunk to notice probably and will have forgotten the next day anyway hugs don't last for twenty seconds and people don't give half that long stares after they hug okay, and besides why were you hugging anyway you forget oh right you were leaving for some reason you change your plans you stay for another hour oh dear it's 3 in the morning you really have to go now, and another hug which also somehow feels longer more intimate than the earlier one and another one after you've put on your shoes wow okay now everyone is really drunk and when you send them photos from last night, adjusting the lighting and cropping strategically they don't remember the photos at all which is awesome because they were really candid in look like they're having fun.

It's between friends, family and close acquaintances who want to remain at last there if not get close. House parties grow the community, make your ties stronger, are an opportunity to show your culinary and hosting skills bust out your good stories songs and guitar drunk skills. House parties are opportunities to allow yourself to be vulnerable within a closed trusted group without people thinking you're weird.

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