I discovered my limit for number of posts

No matter how hard or creative I try to be, or how I divide my writing periods, can't seem to write more than 12/13 posts, or about more than 5000 words a day, here. Since I'm covering up for several days, I'm running out of ideas, I haven't gotten around to covering up yesterday, and if I don't finish that then I'll have to write 3 days worth of posts tomorrow which is going to be even harder than it was today which means I'm never going to make it up ever. So I'll just slog through it just get some words out there good or bad, it's not like there are any readers here, and go on until there's a respectable number of words.

Have been watching a lot of youtube (by a 'lot', I mean compared to how much I've been watching the last few weeks). My youtube watching was severely limited since I removed youtube from my cellphone browser but then I got distracted and started spending an absurd amount of time chatting with people online, whoever was available, which was an even bigger distraction than youtube because with the video website at least I was passively consuming the content and could stop whenever I wanted to. With 'active consumption' aka chatting with people I didn't reallly need to talk to, it's unrestrained and can go on for hours and hours, and i can't even say 'hey its been a nice time I gotta go byee' because rrudee so I get stuck. The biggest problem here it seems is that setting time limits for things I do -- youtube, chatting, writing, should be a higher priority. Perhaps I should really focus on doing things within a certain time limit and holding myself responsible to them. If not then I should just stop wherever I was at with those and pick up the following day. That's what I should do, or not do it at all.

In any case, don't know how I'm going to keep dragging this post for longer. There's two more posts for yesterday to go before the journal post which doesn't have a lot of content either because literally nothing of substance happened yesterday as I spent the entire day napping and listening to podcasts and tv shows and sleeping and napping, getting up only to get the one meal of the day and go to the rest room couple of times. That is my entire journal oops, don't want to give it all again.

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