So tired [Thursday 9]

Went to bed at 11.50, skipping all the evening writing and reading but not the working out. Was too tired.

After getting home watched the youtubes for an hour/hour-half, talked to a bunch of my international friends something I hadn't done for a really long time, and that was about it. Did my pushups. The lack of proper sleep is catching up with me, didn't feel so great at the moments before sleep...My mind kept telling me what a crappy person I am. For no clear reason. It was no good. Need to get into the depths of this fairly certain it's related to the lack of proper sleep.

Work was good, apple in the morning, tons of meetings, meeting with the manager which went well, not so productive generally because distracted by the meetings but got fundamental infrastructure work done, team is changing plans since half of the project is going to be over. Had breakfast of apples and lunch of the world-popular egg sandwich with tons of mayo. The person who took the orders who was new messed up the order and put the eggs on slices of bread instead of roll which was not very cool but you have to live with such things once a while. Took the red line and walked home nothing special. It was so tiring on the train I fell asleep.

Got up pretty reasonably on time, did all the morning things, left home at 8 got to Davis twenty minutes after, there were enough people waiting to fill up three trains because everything was jammed up with the red line apparently so took the train backwards and never left it, wasn't too bad was at work only slightly later than I'd have otherwise been.

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