First day of classes [Wednesday 15]

Got up extra early in the morning because had to make it to work on time, got freshened up and changed real quick didn't even work out or write because I really really had to make it on time or I wouldn't have justification to leave early for school. Left house at 7.30, got lucky with the bus, took it at 7.35, Sullivan in 7.51, Park St in 8.04 and at work by 8.13, which is one of the fastest commutes I've had in recent memory likely due to the fact that the orange line wasn't broken and I was so early. I decided to take the Orange line because while the Red Line is more predictable, if you go early enough and it's not a particularly bad day, Orange Line can often be faster my 15/20 minutes, as my experience showed today.

Work was productive, got a lot of work-work done, cooperated with coworkers and got some solid self-analysis written. And maybe some fiction too but don't remember any of that. Skipped the lunch at first but manager wanted to get something to eat, we went to Subway where I got the Italian herbs and cheese bread with cheddar, and veggie patty, with olive, bunch of nice vegetables and four different types of drizzles oils and sauces. Post-lunch workday was pretty productive too, got lots of discussions, heard lots of heated political discussions that I honestly wanted to be no part of, left at 3.40.

Took the red line and the the 94 to Tufts campus, entered the Philosophy department building five minutes before the class was about to start, got lost, so it took me some time to figure out the room, ended up five minutes late for the class. The roommate was surprisingly large for the professor who generally offers quite intimate settings.

The class was informative, sort of a 'journey' through the entire semester's worth of discussions and writings. Hadn't done the readings because was busy through and through for the last two weeks but didn't matter that much. Got maybe two or three new nuggets of ideas to think about in greater detail which is quite a few nuggets of thoughts. Wanted to write a nice long 'review' or summary of the class, one class at a time, from my notes and memory didn't feel like it. Besides, we have the audio recordings online maybe I'll listen to it when I'm in Nepal and post on that. A few nice women too, though that's not what I'm at the class for super obviously.

Got back home, heated some leftover rice in the fridge with the leftover veggies from couple of days back, some more still left haha for tomorrow maybe, what an amazing deal. Had dinner while the three roommates were watching the final four episodes of the Circle and roommates BB and PK were cooking mac and cheese. Talked to them for sometime, caught up with the recent happenings came to my room to start working on the readings, writings and the workouts. Caught up on the workouts and readings plus the writings for the entire day, plus a real quick letter got written which took me less than ten minutes --maybe five minutes even -- it doesn't have a lot of content but maybe this is the pattern to follow first before I go in-depth, because at least I'm getting letters written and sent instead of waiting an eternity to practice penmanship and proper philosophical debates etc. Also, once you're used to writing letters I realized the second or the third time you're writing them the topics come to you super quick and you feel more open to making yourself vulnerable, perhaps due to the very good chance that they might never be read?

Now that I've finished every other task for the day, will take a shower, and it's bed time. What a solid day, productive, chill filling, got along with everyone. Workwise and personally, couldn't ask for much better days. That's all for now, good night all!

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