Butternut Squash Soup day [Tuesday 21]

Got up really early today, and used the restroom, unfortunately for some reason started killing time randomly by going to bs news-sites. Then I needed to use the restroom which was obviously occupied, and I couldn't work out or do anything in that time, and the writing was rushed too. So ended up leaving home late and tired without much proper sleep, took the Orange line because important things are happening at work and didn't want to get in too late.

Work was really productive, lots of work stuff done, didn't get a lot of writing done but whatever. There was a lunch-and-learn thing over lunch, ate a lot of pizza oh man do I love Cappy's Cheese pizza it's so greasy and simple and so good and that coming from someone who doesn't even like Pizzas! Got back to testing after lunch, left work at 4.45, took the red line where I fell asleep while posting my evening post, to Davis, walked home while listening to the latest episode of the HDTGM for probably the seventh time.

Back home, read books, worked out, caught up with roommates, and talked to semi-roommates I and roommate PK's friend A who were over. Roommate BB made corn chowder soup and I made butternut squash soup which was actually really good even though I put in spices that didn't get blended well enough so the texture was a little weird. Still, it was tasty and filling. Over dinner I watched Shark Tank with everyone, going to my room to do the pushups in between. Had done pretty much everything by 10, then started ordering items to take home, which took almost an hour. Also, I've been killing the 'slack time' by just wasting it on news sites, solid hour or two wasted over today doing that, need to fix that. At 95 pushups, still reading Genghis Khan book, and did the situps in the evening. The Genghis Khan book is almost over, what an achievement, that actually warrants celebration not even kidding. Wrote 1.5 letters today, the half one is probably going to be hand-delivered because reasons. My shopping for the upcoming journey is over so at least that's looking good.

Done with all the chores and cleaning up, will do the personal journal after this, brush and go to bed. Will shower tomorrow morning by getting up early because need to get in the habit of early-to-bed, since getting up is pretty much always the same no matter how many times I snooze.

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