Crows and realization

Caw caw caw the crows shout at particularly noone he feels it's at him. Am I going to die it's not a good sign to have crows absolutely destroying their throats at you. And what ugly crows too! If I were so ugly I'd crow about all the time too. Did I maybe kill a crow earlier today they're viciously protective of their kin. No it's not possible I didn't have a gun and didn't target the birds etcetera. They are just stupid they have nowhere to go nothing better to do they're here for the entertainment just for the sake of it stupid crows.

The cawing gets louder more persistent. Maybe they're smelling by wounds. That idiot car driver wasn't looking where he was going and now I need to see a doctor. Maybe next week if the wound grows it's fine as it is. You need to build some defences if you go see a doctor at every small sign of pain or wound your body expects that you'll repair it externally and can't care for itself well. So when you get into a real accident it shuts down and can't heal. That's how you heal most of modern medical science is s scam anyway obviously they're saving lives and what not but people really don't need to be the scary geese they've become. That's something folks didn't have anymore. Common sense. If it was more common they'd understand when to go to a doctor and when to let the body figure itself out.

Something smells bad and he sniffs around. Ooof whats that nasty smell that's probably what those darned birds are after whatever is causing that smell this is bad. Oh and now the birds are coming at me swooping around I bet that's s carcass of an animal or some rotten thing some irresponsible driver threw by the road. And now I'm right next to it. When will these people understand to take care of their trash people like him suffered while they whizzed by in their harsh fast metallic cages. Someone probably hit a rabbit or deer even and just threw out the carcass next to the road. Wonder where it is, need to get away from it to escape these things must be somewhere quite near.

And now this is getting ridiculous these goddamn birds are flying right last me they're not even afraid of me they're even starting to attack me stupid creatures do they not understand I can throw a stone or whatever and kill them. And oh wow they're starting to peck me ow ow ow. Wow that was a big chunk of flesh that one took. And another one. Wait. Why does it look like that. Why are there flies and insects around. And why did the smell just got so bad. Ah. Oh shit. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. There's nothing I can do anymore is there.

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