Wild dreams of leopard attacks

As I've mentioned in the past several posts, I've slept more in the past three days than I did in the two preceding weeks. Maybe not exactly, but around the same ballpark. Sleep, wakeup, see what's up, put on a podcast or tv show in the background, go back to sleep, get up to use the restroom, get up due to a terrible nightmare, realize it was all a dream, go back to sleep over and over and over again. Life begins to blur, the distinction between reality and dreams starts shimmering. On another occasion too has real life been difficult to distinguish from dreams -- when I've been doing stressful work for far too long, but this is very stress-free and restful. Almost fun, if I dare say so.

In any case, I've been having a couple of very vivid strange dreams, something I haven't had in a while. Probably because I hadn't had enough proper sleep to allow for my brain to create enough substance in the first place. The first ones of my vivid dreams was this strange escape in forest where I was with friends(?) and/or family(?) and chasing a leopard and suddenly it starts chasing me and I end up in a closed room with a leopard and somehow a Hyena jumps in, and all I'm hoping is the Leopard and the hyena attack and destroy each other while I escape out of the room, but the hyena's thinking the same and I have to coordinate an attack on the leopard with it so both of us can survive fully realizing that it can't be trusted it can attack me at any time and it will most definitely be after me after the leopard's dealt with. Still, better a hyena than a leopard, the hyena was probably thinking the same too.

And then there was a bizarre dream about space travel, weird aliens who looked like aliens, and lots of shiny things that just confused the heck out of me because it didn't make any sense. It felt like I was in a different universe whose rules I didn't understand or perhaps I had never understood the rules of this universe and whatever had been protecting me from madness had been lifted and I could see the universe in its full overwhelming incomprehensible reality, it felt like I was falling down but also rising up and I told myself it doesn't matter either way it's just a matter of perspective there's no up or down in the Universe. So on and on and on. I woke up in cold sweat, reminded myself everything was going to be alright, texted a couple of people, turned the heat down [heat in our apartment has been turned to the max for the last several days I think it has something to do with the temporary roommate trying to pump up the heating bill] and went back to sleep. Slept really well after that surprisingly.

Dreams mean nothing by themselves. They are merely an interpretation of the mostly-random fluctuating patterns in our brain, in fact one could argue quite accurately dreams are 'seen' or 'solidify' only when they are described or remembered, since that's the first time they are attached to actual memory and words. They are most certainly not indicators of anything. Still, one wonders if they may reveal something underlying about one's psyche. And dreams have been quite helpful for people who have been stuck with complex problems, allowing them to come up with solutions real fast. Perhaps that was a hint to the problems I'm facing right now, and I'm too stupid to not realize that. Sigh.

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