A therapeutic large art group [Wednesday 22]

It's 10.45 in the evening, I got home half an hour ago. Here's the things that happened today, in chronological order. Here we go.

Got up on time, out of the bed with full energy, cleaned up worked out wrote the morning post, and got going to work. Took the orange line because I wanted to go to work on time since our production release is coming soon, I'm a littlee bit stressed out and want to do as much work out of the door as possible. The 101 was pretty comfortable, got solid writing done and didn't even have to wait for it. Got right in time for the train at Sullivan, where I almost didn't make it because it was so packed but pushed in to become the last person in. Since the Green line was broken today took the Orange Line to Back bay and walked to work there the entire trip ended up taking 44 minutes, which is 11 minutes shorter than the best-case scenario for the red line.

At work, got to working seriously and testing right away. Lots of fruit-eating, bringing up the snacks from downstairs and getting ready for production. Spent the lunchtime talking to the managers, testing more, helping folks discover bugs, and testing more things. Apparently one of the things we're doing is untestable, but I'll talk to my manager to figure out ways around it. Chatted to a coworker on slack about interesting opportunities for her inside the company and the places they're considering moving to migrate within different teams.

Wanted to something after work, confirmed with roommate PK that we were going to Zone 3 for the art event, he had made alternative plans. Texted SS & Sr, and SS and JM, SS (Alston) said that she had already made plans with someone else to be there which was a bummer but thankfully SS&JM (Phd) had no other plans so agreed to go with them.

Stayed at work for 45 minutes extra to make sure everything was working, was one of the last people to leave. Took the Green to Park St, Red to Central and the 70 bus to Zone 3. SS was waiting there for us, and she'd saved seats for all of us. Did a couple of portraits of her, SS+Jm showed up, informed us it was his birthday also brought really high-quality snacks Nepali and otherwise which we finished completely. Sbk and his brother (who had made plans with her earlier) showed up the group was complete and did art for another hour. Had amazing pizza earlier, with selzter so filling. I generally don't like pizza but their cheese pizza was quite good. Since Sbk and bro didn't get to eat, they wanted to go somewhere to eat,  SS (Alston) wanted to go home, so we left the area, and the boys waited for home while SS headed home. Sigh, there's a party in our place on Friday so there's one thing to look forward to, and also seeing people on Saturday or Sunday and then tuesday again how am I so insecure.

We went to Felipe's where I said I'd buy him dinner but Sbk got there faster. As they ate their rice bowls and chimichangas, we talked about future plans, past plans, workout plans, meditations, live love and profession. At 9.30 ish all of us left for our places -- sbk and bro took the red line southbound and we took the bus 96. In the bus I told SS and JM things I'd never tell anyone, and they were super supportive but not in particularly helpful way, isn't that how things always are. Got dropped in front of Tufts, walked home, worked out a bit, wrote two posts before this, and here we are. There's some workout and reading of book left, will probably skip the letter writing and showering for tomorrow. Going to bed in ten minutes hopefully. It's been an amazing day, I feel very liquidy.

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