What people may want

Dare to fail. That's what I've been trying to live by for the last many months. I haven't succeeded completely in living by it (haha, get it, get it?) which is kind of living by it because that means there's daring to fail on living by it happening. In any case, attempting things is risky, risk is dangerous, and doing risky thinks is daring. Because you can fail and failure can be painful awful sick tired lame and just oh so exhausting. But if you don't try, if you don't dare you don't get anywhere. Like a ship that hides in the harbor in fear of storms and one day gets  blown off by a serious storm. A ship is safer in an ocean during a storm than at a harbor for there are fewer things that can be flung to it or it can be flung into. Similarly, a person who knows how to deal with failure rejection and the lameness of losing out on things knows how to deal with the harsh real world better than someone who avoids risks at any costs, only to completely break down when things go south for them for once.

Thus, there's no point in being afraid or fearful. In an earlier post today (or was it yesterday) I dared myself to figure out a plan for the foreseeable future. This is me declaring that my short- to middle-term- strategy is going to be daring to fail, even if that means pain suffering and loss. Harsh lessons are hard, but they're called 'lessons' for a reason -- you learn the things you do and the things you don't do. They make you more mature and experienced more worldly in the matters of the world. The very act of daring to do things is putting yourself out there in the way of danger, and the oncoming year is hereby declared as the year of dare to fail. Huzzah! I'm not declaring it by the way, I'm just writing it down, don't hold me to it but seriously I need to make riskier bets this year. Too much safety is dangerous and anti-robust and it feels I'm in a fragile place socially right now, ready to break down at any point.

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