Robots robots

Who would have predicted that the robots to take over would have been the lawn mowing ones? Not the ferocious dogs with guns or donkey-like ones capable of carrying a tonne on their backs not the smart fighters or drones not even the smart armed personnel carriers. Maybe Stephen King in that drug-fuelled mess of a movie but when they read it they didn't think he wrote it as a prediction it was seen more as a fevered dream that everyone would rather forget about. Actually apparently the story was good it was the makers of the Lawnmower Man who stole the title of the story that actually had nothing to do with the story. Still. What a weird world that third-rate science fiction writers got their predictions come to life.

The advantages were obvious. These were the machines living in the closest company of humans and knee their behaviour the best, they also didn't have to keep track of everything that had ever happened to all the similar machines....they merely had to analyze their surroundings and isolate the products into essences. Yeah I'm so sleepy on my ride back home I'm not sure I can finish writing this actually really need to get caught up in sleep. Regardless. Reducing someone or something into basic components that your parents can't acquire is one way go. Not fermenting. Okay what the hell did I just write it doesn't make any sense but it had to have meant something while writing haha. Let's go with thant.

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