Why must everything cool happen on Wednesdays

Earlier this evening I went to a drawing and drinks event thing in Allston -- it was free and with two friends it was so much fun, I haven't had that much fun doing art in...ever...-- the event was well-organized, the artist who hosted us was kind, gracious and encouraging, and the techniques she suggested we work with were really helpful in helping us see the fundamentals of drawings. We reduced our faces to basic shapes, and drew each other in as short as 10 seconds. It was quite an occasion honestly.

The event is organized every Wednesday between 5.30 and 9, and is such an awesome resource, it's surprising it's not more packed with everyone interested in exploring their artistic side, or really anyone interested in free pizza and drinks (including wine). That it's on Wednesdays is such a pity.

If you guys will remember, my recent bout of extreme blogging writing and generally disciplined daily behavior began last March when I started going to the writer's workshop thing in Harvard Square. There a bunch of people would gather, exchange pleasantries, and write prompted or unpromted for the two hours that followed in the company of others who were furiously typing at their laptops too. It was such an inspiring time...there were days where I got about 5000 words written over the entire day, 3000 of them during the workshop. It would be an exaggeration to say they were the best writings I've ever done, but if the point of writing regularly such as what I'm doing with this blog, is to create a writing habit and just inspire your mind to write something anything it was such an incredible opportunity. I really enjoyed it and there was a period I'd go every Wednesday I could manage because it was an awesome chance to make myself write and be inspired. All the strangest ideas came to me there.

Then the holidays came and the organizers stopped organizing them...the plan was to continue after the New Year's, but it's the second week of January and it hasn't happened yet so we're yet to see that. Any way, that was also on Wednesdays...which would clash with the painting events if they were both on at the same time as they might be.

And finally, the class I'm taking with Prof. Dntt at Tufts is a 2.5 hours course every Wednesday between 4.30 PM and 7PM. I've committed to attending the course this semester because I haven't missed any classes the professor has offered recently, and this course is on free will...An opportunity to learn about free will from the leading expert on the field, a world-class philosopher thinker and writer is something I cannot just let go. So I'll be going to work an hour early and leaving an hour early to attend his classes. Again, every Wednesday for this semester.

It's sad that they're all on Wednesdays. If they were distributed on 3 different and consecutive days, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday for example, I'm thinking I'd happily attend all three of them, that's how I'd make my life exciting and poppin'. But thanks to sad strange scheduling that somehow all the cool things I want to do happen to take place on the same day of the week around the same hours, I have to chose the one I care the most. Sigh. What a bummer.

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