Bruschetta egg and hash sandwich brunch, driving range with As{y), strawberries at farmer's market, mad sad and latenight cry at Volunteer park, I don't sleep [Sun 26]

 For breakfast I had bruschetta, egg and hash in ciabbatta.

Rode the train to UW with AS(y) and hit golf balls for an hour at the driving range there. On my way back bought some fresh strawberries at the farmer's market, and maaan are those strawberries fresh! Finally I understand that this country DOES have sweet fresh heavenly strawberries like we had in Nepal, it's just that the ones sold on grocery store shelves suck and are 'strawberry' in name and likeness only.

Anyway I discovered some things and connected a few dots that weren't meant to be connected but came to a general realization that the reasons I'd moved to this town had been kinda discredited due to my friends' behavior. I was very mad sad disappointed at everybody and felt sick to the stomach. I couldn't handle it well so went to Volunteer park late at night and cried/sobbed for like half a minute but barely, and walked back, talked to Sb on the way and made promises it turns out I wouldn't/couldn't keep but the realizations have been long lasting and two weeks later when I'm writing these I've kept to those things. Man, you think people are like you and share generally the same worldview but no they're actually quite different and it hurts when they clash. It hurts even more when it's not just about politics but about people's relationship with others and how their beliefs shape those. It was a big big fat bummer I tell ya.

I was so mad sad disappointed annoyed that I didn't sleep through the night. Maybe got 20 minutes of sleep, max.


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