Hang at the mall, shopping, shakeshack lunch, we go downtown, lucky strike and The church, I lose joints, cousin gets flirted with, I make connections, hella expensive e-taxi ride [Fri 17]

 We went on a trip to the mall, just us kids without our youngest cousin who went to a climbing gym. Bought a bunch of things for ourselves, explored so many different stores including a sporting store where the boys played basketball/football inside, we sat down on massage chairs and had lotta fun. At the food court the rest of the gang got food at the chinese place, very chain-like, and I got burger and fries at shake-shack. Too much food, not enough flavor, I should have skipped the whole thing like S did and eaten at home honestly.

We returned home, showered, put on nice clothes and got ready for our trip downtown! We were going clubbing!

We went to the train station, dropped in the car, to catch one to the city but turned out the train was cancelled so we had to take an uber ride. It was twenty bucks. The car dropped us right smack in town, first thing we did was go to a weed store and buy edibles and joints. We smoked up a full joint and hand gummies.

Then we went to the liquor store and bought a bunch of small bottles of premade cocktails. Walked around the whole goddamn town to figure out a place to drink it, including considering toilets. None of that worked.

In the end we ended up at lucky strike where we got some snacks, mostly nachos I think, and mixed our drinks with water, getting drunk on the cheap.

After the lucky strike, we went to...we kept walking and walking exploring the city, until we reached The Church which was the club we'd gotten the tickets for earlier in the evening. The bouncer made me throw my joints, I hid them plus the lighter in front of a bush of an apartment and sent messages to all the cousins to remind me to pick it up when we were done. They forgot to do that, and that's how we lost 1.5 joints, not a big loss but still something worth being bothered about mildly.

In the club we danced until we got very tired. Our girl cousin got flirted with by a lot of cute women, and some creepy men but whtever, that's life. Our youngest cousin danced hardcore. I made connection with a cute girl who hug me and we shared some pretty intimate moments later and I forgot to ask for her number or snapchat, what a bummer.

Done with the place at 1.40, forgot the weed, got into an uber ride, hella expensive, it was 90 bucks back home apparently. Because I was drunk (a little bit?) and high, I was wayy wayyy to talkative, so that a annoying. That's where I got the idea for the collection of poems about Kathmandu.

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