Best kefir batch evaa

 So y'all remember how I've been struggling with my kefir batches because the first two or three ones had been incredible and then there was something off and everything went off the rockers. Well I discovered that fermenting it airtight makes it way more smooth and thick and the separation doesn't happen plus the graininess goes away. The only annoying thing now is (and this bothers me a lot), that my grains haven't really grown, I don't know which the grains are and where they're at. I just keep a bunch of left solid and use that as the starter for the next batch. Maybe I should be doing a few more batches with the bubbler and the whey protein powder.

Still, this batch has been the best batch in a very long while and I'm so excited about that. I finally freakin' figured it out. Now if only I can channel this excitement and energy to clean the living room and the kitchen I'd be pretty pleased.

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