Colorado trip: The clubbing

 We went clubbing, the five of us cousins in downtown Denver, it was a club called The Church. We got the tickets, waited for the train that never came, then said fuckit and took an uber. It was like 20 bucks to get there but 90 bucks to get back at 1.30 in the morning. We bought weed, and mixed drinks at a liquor store before, pregamed, went to that place where you play bowling and other games, the one they have in Boston too, and then went clubbing. The bouncers didn't let me take the joints in, I hid them outside an apartment nearby and told everybody about it, to pick up after we got out, but everybody forgot about it so it was lost.

All the pretty girls kept tryina dance and mack about with our youngest girl cousin (21). I made 'real connection' with a buncha people who did acknowledge it and talked about it after. We danced a lot and it was so much fun. I definitely don't ever want to be the oldest person in a family group that goes to a club, hopefully ever again.

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