You have to give up the unpleasantness to live a pleasant life

 This is an unpleasant matter to write about. I hate confrontations. I don't enjoy writing about them. I'm a relationship-former, not a heartbreaker. Letting go of people isn't great, you've invested so much time, emotions, made such strong bonds over the years and decades, ending that means you have to start from scratch and you have nothing to show but heartwounds and even then they're not really 'visible', they're like more of a metaphorical concept you moan about in poetry, not something people can see clearly and feel bad for you. Maybe I could get talking to girls that way hmmm... But I'm getting distracted here, maybe that was the intention to never come back to the point at hand...

Here's the thing. People close to me have terrible, awful, not-great, not-acceptable, bad, not-nice, unhealthy, impolite, emotionally stunted attitude towards women, and then appear to be gravitating towards other persons who have similar views and attitudes and as much as it pains me to say this, it can't go on forever. Either they change or I change my relationship with them. Since I'm a nobody, and they're unlikely to change their deep-seated and closely-held views, it's the relationships that'll have to wither away. Which I guess is fine, if I want a pleasant life I do have to let go of the unpleasantness. Still it's a pity when you have to force things to end this way.

Wish there were better way to handle things, or I was better at handling confrontations.

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