Halkaa attiney belaa bho, once more

 So I was talking to a very near and dear friend of mine recently, several of them really, across various contexts, and for my age group, for people with similar aspirations as ours, it's turning out that we uhhh maybe should try to get our ducks in row faster if we intend to get anywhere good and stable in the foreseeable future. Because yeah living however the fuck your heart desires is an option obviously but that's not somewhere I'd like to be because I've seen what it looks like and while I respect people's choices to live their lives without hurting anybody else, first quite often people who are so 'independent minded' aren't not-hurting people at all, they're just unaware assholes, and second, nopeee nopee nopee, I don't want to be anywhere near that uhhh community anymore. Done done done with that. It's a cultural shock for me, the bullshit that happens with friends in Seattle (is it Seattle that turned them this way? Is it the bad community? Did they move to seattle because their not-nice behavior would be more acceptable here?). Gotta get to the grind, the more boring life.

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