Packing up, hangout with VS in Denver, gummies and kavasutra hang, out at cheeseman park, vegetarian biryani, back home at 2am in uber [Sun 19]

 Last day in Denver! In the morning I spent cleaning up the room and packing everything up. This was a big deal because for the past ten days the room had been occupied by the five of us and looked kinda' like a refugee camp and we'd put our belongings all over the place.

I'd communicated with VS the day before about being in Denver so he came to pick me up from Boulder, and we hung out for a solid part of the day. We got caught up on how he was having a good time in the city, how he was getting unwanted attention from bisexual women, how he wanted a yogini partner, his interest in the music industry and his show in November upcoming, how new people were spoiling the city of Boulder etcetera.

I had a lotta gummies. We went to Kavasutra and had some quality kava. It was pretty strong, I discovered the combo of weed and kava puts me in a really strange 'stoned' place. That I don't necessarily hate?

We got some food at a local eatery, I got the snacks, they were alright. Then we walked around Cheeseman park which is the local central park, thought it was pretty cool. There was this pantheon where local artists and performers were practicing various tricks, good ratio of men to women, and invited VS to do it with them. Man he's so open to new ideas and talking to people and learning new things, I wish I was like that.

Eventually we exhausted things to do, made plans to meet again soon, and he dropped me at the house. I gave him all the leftover gummies we'd bought a few days previously because I didn't want to take them on the plane. I was still pretty loopy while talking to family.

Had the vegetarian biryani for early dinner and damnnn it was so good, one oft he most memorable vegetable biryani I've had in recent times.

In the evening our youngest cousin dropped us to the airport, we spent some time waiting, it was annoying how the lines were setup but eventually boarded, comfortable seating and a pretty uneventful flight home. Collected Sb's luggage, ordered an uber, got dropped off and it was off to sleep at 2.30 in the morn!

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