Final fun Colorado event: downtown hang with VS

 Friend VS, who I spent about half-a-day in Denver Downtown reminded me yet again that he's friends with me not just because we used to hang out once and we're both Nepalis, but because he genuinely appreciates my presence and that's yeah one big fucking compliment. He's a pretty fun interesting dude, somebody rare who's actively aware of who they are and makes a point to explore their interests etcetera. Fun observations, he wants his next partner to be a yogini lol the Boulder's gotten into him, he's getting into music industry and has a show in Boulder soon, and he thinks there's way too many newcomers in the city who don't get its vibes. Also he might move to Denver -- I hope not -- but is unsure. He's one of the more unique people I know, and I appreciate his presence everytime we get to hang. We've hung out in Boston, NH, Seattle and now Denver. Soon it's gonna be Boulder as well. Funtimes!

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