The recent Colorado vacation: high level summary

 Because I'm doing a fucktonne of these quick posts and need material for other ones, I'll give the summary in this one, the sort I tell people about, and go into the details in the individual posts.

I was in Colorado for nine days at my cousin's cousin's place. It was one heckuva time. We went to Rocky Mountain National park thrice, Estes Park once, we went to a secluded airbnb with the cousins (five of us, four from the US, one from the UK) and got high. We attended the two cousins' bartaman, which felt a lot more like a wedding the way it was organized. We went clubbing with the cousins, so much fun. Also I met VS and we walked out and about in Downtown Denver. We had tibetan momo in Boulder. I'm seriously considering moving to Boulder. Everybody loves my cousin's aunt. There's so many well-off super duper helpful Nepalis around that area, way more than I thought there would be!

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