Are you an artist?

Art does not require an MFA. Art does not require a BA. Art does not require a high school diploma. Art does not require any formal education at all.

Art does not require your full-time attention. Art does not demand that you starve in order to afford paint and canvas and brushes, or knitting needles and yarn, or a chainsaw for your badass ice sculptures, or whatever tools may be for your particular medium.

There is more nobility in hard work than in pure luck though every artist can use a bit of that). You'll make better art after a day at the office than you will after a lifetime of ivory tower.

Real artists have day jobs, and night jobs, and afternoon jobs. Real artists make things other than arts, and then they make time to make art because art is screaming to get out of them. Screaming, or begging, or gently whispering.

Don't ever let them tell you you're not a success. Don't ever let them tell you you're not good enough.

Don't ever & them tell you you're not the real deal. ._.

You are an artist, full-time, twenty-four hours a day, , seven days a week.

Now go make your art.

-Real Artists Have Day Jobs

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