What about more fictions, Maan huuuh?

The good news is I've probably written 400+ pages and/or posts on this kindle scribe on mine, the current piece included. The bad ish news is, for some reason I'm having an extraordinary deal of difficulty writing fiction pieces on the devices. I was already low on ideas and fiction work on this blog as it was, and after the Scribe my fiction writing has gone from rarely to almost never. This is a cause for concern as my desire to write non-fiction and novels has only increased, but the experience, practice and motivation has taken the other direction unfortunately. P suggested I plan the crop out of writing a novel down to individual pages and scene, and that way I could write a novel despite getting only 10, 15,30 minutes session at a time. Sounds like a plan, looking for a good execution.

On a heavily related note, I'm also planning on taking a fiction writing course in a nearby college, hoping that will juice up the fiction cells!

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