I saw the doings of CCP propaganda troll farm, and it was wild!

The other day I wanted to look up what happened to the restaurant a very popular youtuber had claimed to be opening in Texas a couple of years ago. That's how I discovered the world of a forum dedicated to him but like... making fun of him in a really bad and mean way. He's most certainly not a big enough guy to deserve the harassment and bullying they put him through. After a couple of hours it got clear to me they were CCP trolls mostly because the guy has been vocally anti cap. And then I kept on going to the place. and ugh they're kinda right, he sucks big massive balls, he's stopped putting in the effort and at this point is squeezing out the drops of blood from the goose that once laid him golden eggs but not so much any more because he won't feed it now for some reason. Maybe he's not into keeping birds anymore?

Oh yeah, got carried away a little bit there, hah ah, the point I'm making is, it's weird and mean and possibly liable for damages to shit-talk random people for no good reason!

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