Give me an Apple M3

Oh you old man, god of the gifts,
You get all the credit as your workers toil in shifts,
Not much you can give me as my desires are in check
But if you really really do want to give, there's a thing I will take Yeah it's pricey and it is nice, as it is exquisite
Which is your thing I hear 0 god, so lets get on with it The thing that I desire but will never ever purchase My wildest dream that you can reality a- make It is a tinkerer's toy, a toolmaker's tool, which will bring me much joy The thing that I want is a-gadget from the fruit machine Oh god of the goods, give me an apple, give me a computer The one that has come third in a row of the series 'M'
It is a beauty, it is a beast, it can almost bring back the deceased Let the pitri cry in joy and envy
and make me the happiest man in the county
Old man, just please give me an Apple M3.

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