This is as silly as it gets! I was doodling a bunch earlier this morning to avoid writing on these pages this morning. The doodles got increasingly complex until I got one that could pass for art. The sands of pen strokes here and there, erasing rounds, recreating and so forth. It was so good I didn't want to erase it, copying it over to a new notebook seemed like a good idea. I whh had trouble selecting the art and eventually got around to it. Then an attempt was made to copy-paste and that's when things went South.
So many issues, but to summarize, any attempt to turn to the page in question would take a really really really long time, if it didn't freeze the device entirely. Didn't understand what the hell was happening.
Eventually it became clearer to me that my device was not designed to load thousands of random points and wives on a page. Deleting Or erasing the doodle didn't seem to work, the page updates were taking forever even after the complicated drawing had gone away. Finally deleted the page and everything was freaking fixed!
The one good thing that came out of this whole situation was that I updated my kindle so I can share pages individually and index hand- written pages!
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