Fiction writing idea: who implements fate& destiny This is an idea related to the imps of reality concept, but slightly different in angle

Whereas the imps concept is about the 'programmers' and 'accountants' who keep track of divine boons, weapons, curses and other non-causal non-interactive interactions that have to be 'counted' anyhow, the technical aspects of it, this idea is about their 'event organizer' counterparts who must set in motion a series of events that targets a 'destined' occasion. To put it differently, fate and destiny are not unplanned and random in the big picture, they are planned. The universe, even that of Hindu mythology is fundamentally chaotic and unpredictable at the micro scale. Which means, if you want a terrible set of events to be triggered by seemingly organic course of events, you better not count on your luck, better get about sending people over to mess around and interfere so what 'must' happen is the thing that ends up happening.

In modern terms, think of a big product launch by a competent team. That the product is 'touched' is destiny, all the work that is set in motion years preceding it is the work put in. Imagine for a moment a farcical comedy, a pea has an, that's like 10 meetings, the background 'organizers' of Mahabharat. It'd be MHB RT: The Organizer's edition, where the protagonists are a bunch of bureaucrats who're trying to orchestrate the war and genocide, because that's what fate/destiny/higher-ups have planned.

Oh and Krishna is going to be so oo mad at his underlings for having to interrupt reality and micro-manage crucial points, coming off as a bit incompetent.

'Idiots! The whole lot of you, if I have to go about fixing all of your errors why do I even keep this all around, ' he will say to them at a specially frustrated occassion.

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