We're living in interesting times

What a time to be alive.

Personal jets flying in the skies, yachts floating on oceans with houses in them, everyone has a cellphone in their hands, illiteracy is going down rapidly, mostly because people need to be able to use and abuse stupid apps and share fakenews, all ours most private secrets are online, easily shareable and leakable and at this point governments haven't even made half-hearted attempts to protect us. Democracy is compromised by shadowpuppets, cyber war is getting real, and online bots are on the verge of triggering real wars. False flags are getting harder to tell apart from real flags. Is it just me or is the world getting less liberal socially than it used to be.

At least people's lives are getting better on general and the poorest of the poor are seeing their lives improved. I wouldn't want to live in a world that was going the other way, oof. With the changing global climatic scenarios though, that time may not be too far away, so I won't have to wait too long for such a day to come in. So many climate refugees, so much freaky weather, so much famine drought and deluge all at the same time. Not to mention the real threat of a nuclear war. Boy o boy do we live in interesting times.

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