The negotiations between the deos and the danavs [3]

The root cause of all pain suffering unhappiness and malaise in the Earthly realm is not the inherent dissatisfaction and desire in humans, it is the structure of Swarga that is forced upon those poor unwitting creatures that want more. While we are not to judge [cough cough cough] how the inhabitants of Swarga, all of them, not just the Gods and other ethereal beings and those respected present here, feel about the place, we are confident that the humans on Earth are not satisfied with their assigned roles and locations. While Swargabasis may be content for eternity on what they have, the people of Earth as we have explained before desire, until they are happy. The quest for betterness itself gives them satisfaction. They want to keep innovating, keep improving. And what is hindering them in that task, it is very clear to us, are their assigned positions in their way of lives. Why must the poor serf always remain a serf, why can he not become a soldier, a merchant, perhaps maybe a lord, or even a King someday if he so desires and is so qualified to. Why must a solider be forever cursed to fight battles for his short pitiful life if he desires poetry or the arts? Why must a Prince be forced to look upon matters of the state, even if his desires and interests lie elsewhere? We the demonic races believe that each individual, each of us has that spirit within ourselves that is independent, that wants to express itself and needs to be nurtured. We are not the ones to dictate over how the matters of Swarga must be done, unlike you guys who are so very interested in dictating us how we must regiment our organizations, but we are confident that the core problems of humans can be removed just by removing the shackles the gods themselves have placed upon those humans. Just look at the areas we have liberated, look at how happy and content they are, look at the innovations they've made, see how far they've gone. Does that inspire you to make similar changes in areas of your own control? The negotiator for the Demons said with a bit more passion that he had intended to.

Thank you, thank you very much for not intending to dictate the matter of how things are run in Swarga, we appreciate that though we find it a little hard to believe considering the uncountable times your side and various parties have attempted to or successfully taken over, the throne of Swarga and tried changing things around. However, we do take you for your word on this occasion. Back to the matter on hand, you believe that the core cause of the problems in concern in the Earthly realm is that we have imposed upon structures that are too harsh upon human beings who are not able to take those structures. And that giving them the free reign of their own spirit is the way to get rid of that. It seems like a fair consideration. You show examples of the very lands on Earth that are under your influence, how they are peaceful and prosperous to prove your point. You talk of the independent spirit inherent in every being that wants to explore its full potential regardless of what the fates have in set for them, and allowing it to grow and henceforth. We...we...see your point. However, let us remind of the very lands you talk about. If the places you talk of are so great and peaceful, how come we hear about frequent battles and war between those very countries, much more often than the ones under our influence? How come children are ready to attack their parents right after they leave the womb, parents are ready to abandon their children even before they leave the womb, there is nihilism everywhere, everyone runs like a machine, there is no true joy or enjoyment in anything, only the constant run for more more and more, a race to reach somewhere, no time to appreciate the skies and the seas and the oceans? How is it that the very places you have influenced to...create better, as you describe them, never ever thank you for once, never even remember you, don't acknowledge your existence, and fully confidently believe that they did everything by their own being. How is it that every being there, in fact, fully believes that they achieved everything they got by their full force or might, with no regards or consideration for the various forces and parties that facilitated their existence. How is it that there is so much pollution at such a large scale, how is it that there is so little respect for authority and consideration for other's people's thought? You talk of the individual spirit, but we would like to mention the paramatman, the Universal spirit that we are all a part of, how is there such little acknowledgement of that? It's almost as if the individual spirits are happy only when the other spirits are unhappy when they're sidelined and suppressed. How come your innovation and progress that you happily claim were made under you regimen, they've not completely eliminated poverty sickness or many of the issues that are fundamental concerns of our lands? The negotiator for Swarga said, all in one breath.

None of your concerns are invalid. They are all true. All your questions are fair points. Yet we must ask, what do the humans prefer, and it is clear as day and night, they prefer our regimen compared to yours, which is why they rush to our lands. They rush, they run, they fly, they dig like snakes, anyway they can, endangering their and their family's lives, just to make it to our lands. Despite all those concerns. With an understanding of everything else. We are thinking, perhaps the humans aren't so stupid after all, they know what's good for them and what's bad for them. What then? Perhaps they know their happiness the best, and they clear know where greater happiness is. How must we solve this? the negotiator for the Demons said.

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