What makes a God

It was known, there were three things that separated the gods from other beings.

First, you needed to have superhuman abilities that were beyond the realm of regular beings. Being able to fly, or teleport, for example. Or control the weather. Or make people fall in love with each other. Without superhuman abilities one wouldn't begin to be considered a God.

Second, you needed to be worshipped and given offerings by humans. This is what separated your mere superbeings from Gods. Flying around wearing capes and fighting criminals didn't make you a God automatically. You needed your followers to deeply revere you, fear you worship you and make ritualistic offerings to your name. That is what entitled you into the order of the Gods.

Being a superbeing that was worshipped wasn't an end-all however. The most crucial requirement, that most deities missed out on, that separated the Gods from merely powerful cosmic entities was that you needed to maintain good relationship with Indra or someone at his court. For it was them who had access to the gifts of offerings and the corresponding energies, they split those among themselves based on the size and influence of their followers. However all the offerings went through the same portal regardless of who they were intended for. This is what separates the demons from Gods. The major difference between godw and demons was that gods had a monopoly on gifts of human offerings, and they were unwilling to share with demons who rightly deserves them.

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