I really gotta fix my sleep

That's it, nothing more to add. I talked to my GP way back and that's what they said. Talked to my therapist, that's what they suggested. Looked it up online, that's what was suggested. I'm not getting my requisite eight hours of sound sleep, sometimes I'm barely getting half of that properly. I go to bed late for no good reason, wasting my time on stressful news websites and nonsensical tech mumbo-jumbo bs, get up early because of the work situation, always stuck between a rock and a hard place. There's no other way but to get my shit straightened out. I can go easy on the other things, I should feel okay ordering in, eating ramen yadda yadda yadda, drinking even, drinking a lot, whatever, but sleep I've been very very careless with in the recent years.

The other day I was thinking, what has changed in the last ten/fifteen years, back when I was super motivated and up my game and driven, and now, or the times when I was low, and I discovered that the only variable within me that's changed that I can easily track and that's been known to cause a massive difference in mental and emotional regulation and performance, has been sleep. I was forced to go to sleep on time then, and did it, now I don't do it anymore because I'm a mad wild horse, so out of control. It's crazy.

And so that's the conclusion I've come down to. I'm okay with partying all day all nigtht long on the weekends, fridays and saturdays, but I need my eight/nine hours of sleep in the weekdays because that was what made me the hardworking person that got me here.

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