I will live by checklists starting tomorrow, dear readers, and that's a promise

I know I've complained and cried about how nothing's right, how I've forgotten all the discipline yadda yadda yadda and now I'm like an unmolded clay, a bicycle without a handlebar, just running about in circles not sure what to do through the course of the day, sleeping far to late and waking not late enough feeling groggy the entire day and yet still not doing any productive and still sleeping late only to continue the vicious cycle and so forth. But no more. Thanks to the push I've gotten from this blog, my life in general, and the fact that I have far too much time on my hands now that I've got not much else to be distracted with, I'm now declaring here, DECLARING that tomorrow shall be the start of the rest of my life and not in the obvious and jokey way as I will be going back to my daily checklists and living by them for at least a week, no less. If things don't work out, I'll just note what did not work out, and going back to fixing what was the issue. The way to being successful is not to try at all, but to keep trying, noting what the causes of failure are, fixing them, and trying again, again and again until you succeed. And that's what I'll be doing. Starting tomorrow morning. You got my word, chubs.

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