Stability versus the opportunity to travel

 People keep inviting me to do cool shit on the weekends, or maybe just grab some grub, and often I can't make it to those events whatever because I'm either traveling or going somewhere.

And that's the question that I've been pondering over the last few years. On the one hand I do want to be going out and about exploring the country, visiting cities and people and seeing everything. And connecting with friends from all over. But on the other hand, that means I don't get to give enough time to friends in the city that I DO live in, which means I'm forming limited number of new relationships. People often don't want to hang out during the weekdays, and when they do, it's for limited time. The fact that I have to get up at six in the morning sucks as well because that means ten at night is pretty much the latest cutoff for me to do anything ever with people.

So it's a balance I have to maintain, and it's really sucky, I very much wish there was an easier way to fix this. But the various tradeoffs I have made have gotten me to this...strange and a little bit enviable to be quite honest, but still tricky and not exclusively wonderful situation and I'm figuring things out. Apologies if we've talked about this in the past, it keeps coming up over and over.

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