Yeah a big fuckload of daily journal posts are coming, sorry readers

 Yeah, like 25 or 26 days of journal posts incoming, it's possible it's the biggest single dump of journal posts on this blog ever, but that's...hard man, like I really screwed the pooch, nothing I could have done in the time. Various things happened in my life and playing catchup was the only way to do it, and now there's this mess I need to clear. Obviously the information is going to be thoroughly lacking and entirely based on the photos I took on during those days and my GPS entrails but that's what you're gonna get. I'm sorry people I'll try to do better from here on and get the real goodz. Buuut. On the other hand, if this goes as well as I hope it does then in a day or two I'll be completely caught up, full of motivation, and you'll be reading fresh, hot-off-the-press daily journals. Ain't that gonna be so sweet bubba?

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