Terrible flight situation and layover, hello cold Nashville, uber ride, Jackbrown's, Hop Doddy, Belcourt, meeting with the gang, Sonder, Chauhan, helloooo downtown Nashville, hasville, memories [Sat 30]

 Hated the flights. Couldn't get proper sleep, had the snacks and seltzer during the first flight and nothing during the second, laid over in Denver. The restaurants weren't open in the morning and McD had like a 2-mile line outside it because nothing else was open, plus they had a limited breakfast menu... Not-great experience overall though this was an opportunity for me to use my e-reader.

Landed in Nashville way ahead of time which sucked, it was cold and cloudy. The uber-ride from the airport to the Sonder we were gonna be at cost twenty bucks. And then after getting there I discovered our reservation started at 4, so I chilled around in the neighborhood, and then walked to the bar called Jack Brown's. There I overindulged on cheesy fries and grilled cheese sammiches, not because of my love o cheese but because they were the only two items in the menu. Spent a couple of hours there reading and chilling and snapchatting, and getting exceedingly strong beers. Sour Monkey is a great sour beer, and there's a tonne more 9+ percent abv beers, they were great but so booozy. Good times, good times.

The rest of the gang, namely SB and V&R arrived so I walked for 30 minutes to go to the place where they were at, Hop Doddy. Chilled as they ate and drank, caught up, it was fun times, great bar, great location, I would recommend.

After the place we went to another bar called Belcourt Tavern, cute place with a bartender who had studied Vedic Sanskrit in College. It was decently popular, but there were a tonne of home doggos walking around. We had great times there, SB bought us beers there.

After that we went back to the Sonder, unpacked and caught up with the rest of the gang, NG and the other couple who had been chillin' in the city since early morning. We chilled and got caught up, explored the apartment. Smoked up and drank a bunch.

In the evening we headed out to get dinner at Chauhan, which was an amazing Indian restaurant. The cheese bread was so good. We got a couple of mixed drinks too. And then it's...kinda' vague what happened for the rest of the night, I remember us walking around, going to bars, the Broadway, and hearing the poppin' town. It's wild, I've written about it in the past, there's really nothing else like there.

We danced, drank and listened to Country Songs. Got very tired, headed home, drank more, smoked a bunch more. I wish I remembered better what the bars and places where we were at, and what the vibe was like, but like at this point I was so tired and snackered so I was like a walking zombie. Didn't dance with great gusto tbqh. It felt like I wasn't giving my best.

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