WIld typical Seattle weather is here, and thank gods for my apartment choice

 At first I was happy with my apartment choice because it'd get so much sun and brightness. Then a bit of disappointment because I imagined all the heat and light would happen during the summer when it's already far too hot anyway, and the winters would be dark cold and gloomy, and the abundance of sun-facing windows would only be more poorly-insulated space for the cold to come in because the sun's not going to be out for the most of the day will it? And now, when we're rapidly approaching the dark cold rainy short days of the winter, I'm back to feeling good about the whole situation, because it's clear all the goodness and warmth and brightness there is, I get to see. With a darker apartment, it'd have been even worse. And I get a fuckin' fantastic view of the clouds and the city and the leaves. The weather is getting to be wild, and I got the front seats to observe it.

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