Airfried eggplant sandwich lunch, mistakes, busy at work, daylong blog reorganization, volunteer-interlaken loop, park party, ferment upgrade, kefir dinner [Thu 21]

 Work was pretty busy, if only because I discovered a bug in a library I had to use. Frustrating and attention-crushing.

For lunch I airfried eggplant circles with spices and flour and honey. Bad idea. Shouldn't have put the honey in, shouldn't have put the flour in because they burned really quick. The sandwich was incredible, a pleasant change in the regular tomato-mozz favourite. Something new and interesting to look forward too. Mistakes were made, alright people?

After work I drank a few cups of tea, and organized this blog by tagging a tonne of old posts, on the way to creating threads for serialized fiction. Hoping to continue writing on those so I can finish at least one 'novel' of sorts by the end of this year.

Spent a considerable time avoiding to write anything here, after writing three posts, showered shaved put on the baseball cap and went on a walk. The volunteer-interlaken loop, classic, I got it in 1.5 hours exactly despite chillin' for 10 minutes during the walk. Really brisk walk too, at this rate my legs will have seriously jacked and stamina will improve a lot.

Discovered a concert and food trucks at volunteer park, they have those at 6-8.30 in the evenings during the summer. Fun but it was a pity I didn't have the time to stay and listen because I had to get the steps in, get home, process the brews and write in here.

After getting home at 9, spent 30 minutes to process kefir (gotta improve that process, make it faster once again), cleared the two water kefir jar of over yeasting, bottled one jar of kombucha and bottled half jar of water kefir. Also put the bubbler on the other jar of water kefir, by putting in the cap first and then the cloth cover, I'm hoping to avoid insects and leakage while discouraging fruitflies.

Bottled kombucha, banana and ginger inside the bottles, I'm excited about how that's going to taste. Thinking of second fermentation for three or three days and then in the fridge they go.

For dinner I had bit of kefir.

And I write this at almost midnight, having kept it to the latest possible time. With this I'll have written six posts tomorrow, meaning besides the daily 4, I'll have to write for today on tomorrow and then I'll not have to cover too much for days gone by because I'll make a habit of writing my own posts daily  here.

Can barely keep my eyes open right now, listening to HDTGM right now!

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