Just made an eggplant sandwich I would pay twelve bucks to eat

 There is no denying that the sandwich you will read about in the following paragraphs will sound suspiciously similar to the pesto-mozz-tomato sandwich I've written about for the last what...sigh...two months...maybe?...and which has gotten tiring, really, pinky promise and the goal of the next few days is to rid of all the ingredients needed to make it and start scratch with something else, healthier better etcetera.

Perhaps this new sandwich can be taken as a step towards exhausting the supply of ingredients for the now-boring sandwich, a nicotin patch for my sandwich's cigarette, so to speak.

There's no point in describing the old sandwich in detail, so that will be bunked, instead I'll explain the replacements. The tomato is replaced by air fried eggplant. And whatever remains of bruschetta one might have in the fridge are added to the sandwich instead.

Let's talk about the air-fried eggplant for a bit now.

It's taken me a whole lot of pain and eating disgusting things to discover honey four and head without moisture don't go very well. Things will burn very, very fast, and the parts of the food that are intact will also taste like burnt food. Bitter and not great. And the texture of whatever food it may be is like a chewy jerky.

Yes, that happened this afternoon. I made a sauce for the eggplant before roasting that included vinegar soy sauce honey and flour among other things and the eggplants came out...toasty...to put it best. Not ideal. But not bad in a sandwich. If only I'd not bothered with the flour, the situation could potentially have been a lot better, who knows what came onto me to make this terrible decision. You can't replicate deep frying so easily.

Still delicious though. Two more rolls left (or maybe one?) and a solid pieces of eggplant remain, this will be a good ending to my sammich days, looking forward to it!

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