Golfing in the heat with the new bro, improvements, end of eggplant sandiwch, grinder and blanket arrive, short evening hang with surprise return from mx [Fri 22]

 I write this (and the following 7 of the series) exactly a week after this day, which is a little unfortunate as I promised to treat this with more respect and reverence, and that will stay, but the journals are the easiest and so get sent by the wayside until it must absolutely be done. I read somewhere that in more than three days you lose total memory of what happened during the day even with photo evidence, which I buy completely.

After finishing work, chilled for a bit, napped for sometime, and headed to the UW Golf Course. Hit a couple of dozen balls (total of 200 balls between the two of us). My shots using the driver are more accurate as in I hit the ball now but they're awful because I never used the tee. It's an improvement still, and that's what we're here for, making ourselves better.

It's unclear at what point I ate the eggplant sandwich, likely before I left for UW, but I finished the eggplant from before in my second meal, that was easily done, gotta thank myself, it was yummy but no more honey flour and high temperature anymore.

During the day the blanket and grinder I'd ordered arrived, so I was fully prepared to cook and picnic.

After the golf session, chilled at home for a bit, walked around generally, went to see AKS(e) who had recently come back from Mx, spent like an hour at his roof and got home. It was weird as has been the case in recent times and of course there's the situation I approve of very little.

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